It is incredibly important to develop a great list of references. These references will help you obtain jobs, college admission or acceptance into special programs.
Who makes a good reference?
- Teacher
- Coach
- Counseler
- Present or past employer
- Family friend
- Anyone that can speak highly of your abilities, skills and worth
References to avoid:
- Anyone under 18
- Personal friends
- family members
- Anyone who cannot speak highly of your abilities or skills
Important Tips:
The format of your references should match your resume exactly, same header, same fonts.
Do not include references on your resume
Include at least three references
All references should be responsible adults who know you well and can speak to your character and skills
Always ask whether or not someone is willing to be a reference before including them in your list
Verify the contact information before handing over to an employer
Use the following format for your references
Persons Name: Bob Smith
Address: 123 Fake Street
Santa Cruz Ca, 95060
Phone #: (831) 555-4321
Title and Business Owner
work place: Moland Spring Bottled Water
Your resume's and reference lists are graded assignments. For a total of 10 points, grading is as follows:
2Pts - Resume and List of References is complete per Handbook Guidelines
2Pts - Resume and List of References is well formatted and easy to read
2Pts - Resume and List of References contains no typos or errors
2Pts - Resume and List of References are two separate documents with consistent style, font and header
2Pts - Resume and List of References are emailed to me as PDF files with descriptive file names (don't send a file called "untitled.pdf")
Follow Up Lesson: CareerLocker
Students, you can use Career Locker to develop a resume, research careers and salaries and complete assessments. Your follow up assignment to your resume and list of references is to complete the personal globe inventory on and research details for 3 different jobs using the occupations section on careerlocker.
Enter Registration Code scc-c846
Enter your personal information
Enter your Grade and Gender. For Group, select Wilson and any other ROP instructors you have
Agree to terms
Select "Assessments"
Select "Personal Globe Inventory"
Answer all the questions in the assessment
Analyze the results...
Job Research:
Click on the "Occupations" tab and click on "Browse Occupations"
Search for a job title, something your would be interested in. Research 3 jobs and write about why you would be interested in that job. Tell me information about the job such as:
- Job Title
- Job Description
- Job Activities
- Education Needed
- Career Pathway
- Salary Range
You can write up your research and email it to me with pages or google docs... be thorough! When your research is complete, work through these other assessments:
- Work Skills
- Work Styles
- Learning Styles
- Mr. W
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