As part of your final you will produce a high energy demo reel that showcases your work during the semester.
Demo Reel Project:
Having a compelling demo reel is a key component in communicating your talents and digital media skills to potential employers and clients. You final project is to create a demo reel that showcases your skills. Read: Tips on creating a demo reel
- Choose a short and high energy piece of music to edit your demo reel to, make sure you have this ready before you begin editing
- Launch Adobe Premiere and begin adding all of your rendered animation assets and video projects from the semester (work from other classes or prior semesters/independent work is allowed)
- Create an intro slide plus an ending title slide with your name and email/contact info
- Edit your slides, images, animations and videos to your music, make sure to edit on the beat of your music track to keep it compelling
- Demo reel music and action should crescendo towards the end
- Keep the demo reel down to 1 minute or 1:30 approximately
- Include tails
- Turn in via NAS or SNET in full HD H.264 with 10Mbps Data Rate
Have fun!
- Mr.W